Ground Floor, Freeport

Not the Only One

For now, hear a clip.

On DNR release date, the full song will arrive here
and in the usual online places like Spotify & iTunes.

"Now you tell me you’re the only freak You’re feeling like you’re so unique"

Song Lyric

“Give all you have
 and you’ll have
 all you need.”

David Santos

Bass Guitar

Kevin Teel

Electric Guitars & Acoustic Guitar

Hiding your heart in his hands
We watched while you slipped
Through his fingers like sand
Now you tell me you’re the only freak
You’re feeling like you’re so unique
When the ashes are cold
You come cry on my shoulder

But you’re not the only one
I see a million pairs of eyes
Screaming for their time to come
No you are not the only one
It’s an awful thing to want so much
When you can just become

My love story starts where yours ends
You come back for comfort
And I’ll play the friend
Then I feel your arms around my waist
You’ll never know just what I taste
In your tears when I hold you
You’d think now you’d know that


Become who you are already
Everyone bleeds
Give all you have
And you’ll have all you need
Yes, all you need to be
Is not the only one


© DNR Records / Tom Acousti 1998 “all rights reserved”

About the Song

This song was written during a single week of touring, playing it a bit each night in the dressing room and at soundcheck. I wrote it in a strumming style that wasn’t natural for me at the time and had to grow into playing it well, by performing it night after night in a duo with Kevin Teel.

Wanting what you can never have is a drag… the root of most suffering.  This song is about NOT being special in order to notice more.  It’s about EVERYBODY not getting what they want.  We’ve all held our tongue as friends or lovers unloaded their stories or hurt while we play the friend.  This is usually not the best time to blurt out, “I’m in love with you.”

About the Recording