Ground Floor, Freeport

Kids' Events

Tom’s the musician and Diane is a first grade teacher. Using Ground Floor as a creative place for kids’ events was a natural. Here are some highlights.

Freshly popped!



Little kids

Big kids

Older kids

Grownup kids

ALL kids

Freshly popped!

Parties? Ground Floor's ready!



Photo Booth

2000 Dominos

Snowball Fights

No parent really wants 25 kids in their house, but Ground Floor can take it! 

And what kid doesn’t want to grab a microphone and hear their voice through a mega sound system?

Halloween the GFF way!

Once inside GFF, kids and adults enjoyed some thumping music, a light show, photo ops, and the GF hallmark of impromptu snowball fights.

 And all that “admission” candy we collected?  A randomly chosen participant won the entire bowl.

Ground Floor did things a little differently for Halloween – of course. We didn’t distribute candy.  Instead we TOOK candy from children.  We CHARGED a piece of candy from each trick-or-treater as admission to the fun inside! 

Games & Giggles

As one of GFFs Grand Opening events, owner and first grade teacher, Diane Acousti, teamed up with Freeport-renowned Youth Activities Educator, Pam Gee, to bring some fun and games to Ground Floor! Kids came by for popcorn, games, music, and a few surprises! Turned out adults are just big kids.

Kids' Concerts!

Rob Duquette and Amanda Panda held several events here, providing music, dance, and lots of fun for young concert-goers!

Rob and Amanda’s Kind Kids concert brought two of Maine’s most loved children’s performers together to make kindness a musical event.  Also, in her own solo show, Amanda Panda worked her magic with some of the littlest ones.